Tutorials for 33rd ISB

Tutorials for 33rd ISB
The Education Committee (EC) is happy to announce the following five short courses at the upcoming 33rd ISB in Bruges, Belgium, on Monday, October 16th, 2023:

AM sessions (9 am to 1 pm)
MT101: Shock Physics: Dynamic Behavior of Materials by Dr. John Borg, from Marquette University, USA
VS101: Protection and Survivability by Dr. Rachael Hazael and Dr. Kate Hewins, from Cranfield University, UK
EB101: Exterior Ballistics by Pierre Wey, from ISL, FR 

PM sessions (2 pm to 6 pm)
EM101: Explosion Mechanics by Peter Norton, Mike Harris, from Cranfield University, UK
TB201: Applied Machine Learning for Terminal Ballistics by Dr. Shannon Ryan, from Deakin University, AUS

MT101 – Shock Physics: Dynamic Behavior of Materials 
This course, given by Dr John Borg, aims at introducing:Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are to provide the ability:Course ContentVS101: Protection and Survivability 
This course, given by Dr. Rachael Hazael and Dr. Kate Hewins.

Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are to provide an introduction into:Course content EB101 – Introduction to Exterior Ballistics
This course is given by Pierre Wey

Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are:Course Content
The course content is made up of:• Numerical integration of the equations of motion
• Typical examples of trajectories
• Linearized angular motion and stability of the projectile 
• Trajectory dispersion and Monte Carlo simulation. 

EM101 – Explosion Mechanics
This course is given by Peter Norton and Mike Harris.

Course ObjectivesCourse ContentTB201: Applied Machine Learning for Terminal Ballistics 
This course will be given by Dr. Shannon Ryan

Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are to introduce:Course ContentFurther information 
These courses will be organized by the Education Committee and facilitated by ASMI. Each attendee will receive PowerPoint slides distributed as a hardcopy and / members.

Please note that course registration can only be made during online registration for the conference.

We look forward to your feedback and any questions you may have through sending a email to education@ballistics.org 
Dr. Markus Graswald
Education Committee Chair

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